The Bitter-Sweet Life of An Entrepreneur
One of the best decisions that I have ever made in my life so far was to start my own company! I grew up watching and learning from both my father and mother, who owned their own businesses. Both took their passion and talents and built their business from the ground up with time and dedication.
I have always been a work-a-holic, just like my parents; As soon as I was legally allowed, I obtained a job at fourteen and a half, working for Chick-Fil-A. During high school I worked two jobs - I worked at a tanning salon and babysat on the weekends. Once I arrived at college, I kicked it up a notch - I worked for the Appalachian State University Child Development Center and was the Assistant Coordinator for CeCe Hampton Events, while also simultaneously being the Corporate Events Coordinator and a Guest Service Agent at Crestwood Resort and Spa. I look back and think, "how did I have three jobs AND attend class full-time?" Well I still don't know! I guess you just do what you have to, haha. While at App State, I majored in Communications, Public Relations (since coordination fell under that broad umbrella) and minored in Entrepreneurship with the plan to open my own Wedding Coordination business some day. I learned a lot about preparing to start your business, actually starting your business and the importance of efficient communication. However, no one taught me about the bitter-sweet life of an entrepreneur.
I have owned my business for almost 3 years now and have quickly learned that being a small business owner is a love-hate relationship. Mostly LOVE, of course... but still a little hate. Here are a few bitter-sweet components to entrepreneurship.
YOU'LL FALL IN LOVE. As many fellow business owners can attest, you will fall in love with your company! It is no lie that I have fallen in love with Mint to Be Weddings. It is essentially like a baby/child; I created it, gave my heart and soul to it and in a way, it is an extension of myself. I am proud of Mint to Be but no one warned me that just like with a child - nothing is enough! I am so very grateful and feel blessed that my company has grown the way it has. If you would have asked me when I started the business, "Caroline, when do you think you'll be full time with Mint to Be Weddings?" I would have said 5 years. Well after two years and many blessings, that dream came true. With that being said, as your business grows, so do your expectations of yourself and the company. You want more for the company; buy more, book more, work more, promote more, network more, etc. Your dreams grow bigger for it and it becomes your life.
YOU MAKE YOUR OWN SCHEDULE. One factor to being a business owner that I love is that I get to make my own schedule. I don't have to worry about traffic and clocking in on time or putting PTO in for vacation or being sick, I can work from home and I have a flexible schedule that allows me to meet with clients and network more. I never have to be "on the clock" from 9am-5pm ... however, I'm never "off the clock." Like I mentioned before, this is my baby and my life! I typically wake up around 7:30am and hit the ground running each morning. Responding to e-mails, following up on leads, reviewing client binders, blogging, responding to more emails, jumping on phone consultations, posting on social media, going over finances, networking with vendors, meeting with clients, responding to more emails, updating itineraries, updating promotional accounts, creating layouts, responding to more emails... and then all of the sudden it is 7:00pm. When I worked at a corporate job, once 5:00pm struck I was out the door and left all my worries at work until the next day. Well, my work is home and my life now. I have friends who always say, "Man, you are so lucky - you don't have to wake up early tomorrow." While that is true that I don't always HAVE to wake up early, I still do wake up early to start working. Many times, I don't meet with clients until 6:00pm or 7:00pm because they have full time jobs, which I love having that availability to offer them, though my nights often don't end until 9:00pm and obviously I work majority of weekends for weddings. When I worked in corporate, I didn't have my email on my phone and no one had my personal cell phone number - I literally had no idea if someone reached out or contacted me until the next day or after the weekend. Now, I'm at the gym or dinner or on vacation and I see it all; emails, calls, voicemails, Instagram likes & comments, Facebook likes and comments, etc.! Personally for me, it is really hard to see an email come in or voicemail pop up and NOT at least check it, let alone - respond. The business tends to monopolize your time and you find yourself always working. Small business owners really have to make an effort to be "off the clock" and literally have to unplug.
YOU'RE YOUR OWN BOSS. I have had some pretty wonderful bosses in the past, however - I LOVE being my own boss. I still have to meet deadlines, complete my tasks and work hard to achieve my goals but I don't have the lingering feeling and as much pressure that I mentally put on myself with a boss. If I am being honest though, sometimes I miss having a boss. Someone to check in with me and ensure I am on track, someone to motivate me to do those tasks I hate and push off (like finances) and someone to sit down and do a review with me. I have always been the type of person who wants to exceed expectation and be the best I can at everything I attempt. I liked meeting with my bosses to see where they felt I could improve and I feel the same way for my business. Clients sometimes leave reviews, however they are typically very general and only positive. I know I am not the perfect person or own the perfect business and would love to have someone to show me where I could improve in all aspects.
YOU HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO MAKE MORE MONEY. I do agree that in many (not all) instances, you have the potential to make more money as a small business owner than working for a corporation. There isn't someone taking a little "off the top" from your hard work and time which drives you to work harder. You are as successful as YOU make it. You don't have to worry about other executives or departments doing something that upsets a client and/or looses business or makes you look bad. HOWEVER, there are a lot of financials factors that come along with being a business owner. First, you have to pay for your own health insurance - which we all know is expensive. Second, you have to pay for your own office and business supplies - that stuff adds up! Third, you have the POTENTIAL to make more money.... that doesn't mean you WILL, haha. You really have to put your all into it and you are sometimes going in blind and depending somewhat on the market/trends. And lastly, you have to BUDGET, BUDGET, BUDGET your income because there is not a guaranteed paycheck of a set amount coming in each month but you know what is still coming in each month??? Bills! I never realized how expensive it is to own your own company until I had mine for over a year.
YOU ARE YOUR BUSINESS'S IMAGE. Part of the reason I chose the name "Mint to Be Weddings" is because I knew I could brand easily with that specific color. If anyone has ever met or worked with me/the team, you know we ALWAYS wear something mint green. Whether it is a full out dress, mint top with jeans or just mint accents like jewelry - it is fun and easy for vendors, clients and guest to find us. Half the time people refer to Brittany and I as the "mint girls." We love it! :) I love having a job where I can dress how I want that expresses my personality; I can wear jeans, my mint green converses, my tattoo's can show, etc. However, sometimes I don't feel like wearing mint, sometimes I don't feel like having my hair and makeup done up, sometimes I've had a bad day and don't feel like smiling and talking. Well too bad! I not only represent my company, but also the vendors who recommend me, the clients who book me and the individuals who are a part of my company. You are always being observed and are always being associated with your company.
There are many other factors to owning your own business which are bitter-sweet that any entrepreneur could speak of but in the end I LOVE being a small business owner. The "sweet" always out-weighs the "bitter." It is one of the most rewarding things that I have experienced so far in my life and as stated before, one of the best decisions that I have made so far in my life. I constantly am highly recommending friends, family and strangers to become entrepreneurs if they have a passion for something and it is even a thought in their head. It is certainly a growing and learning experience and as the business grows, so do I.
I have always been a work-a-holic, just like my parents; As soon as I was legally allowed, I obtained a job at fourteen and a half, working for Chick-Fil-A. During high school I worked two jobs - I worked at a tanning salon and babysat on the weekends. Once I arrived at college, I kicked it up a notch - I worked for the Appalachian State University Child Development Center and was the Assistant Coordinator for CeCe Hampton Events, while also simultaneously being the Corporate Events Coordinator and a Guest Service Agent at Crestwood Resort and Spa. I look back and think, "how did I have three jobs AND attend class full-time?" Well I still don't know! I guess you just do what you have to, haha. While at App State, I majored in Communications, Public Relations (since coordination fell under that broad umbrella) and minored in Entrepreneurship with the plan to open my own Wedding Coordination business some day. I learned a lot about preparing to start your business, actually starting your business and the importance of efficient communication. However, no one taught me about the bitter-sweet life of an entrepreneur.
I have owned my business for almost 3 years now and have quickly learned that being a small business owner is a love-hate relationship. Mostly LOVE, of course... but still a little hate. Here are a few bitter-sweet components to entrepreneurship.
YOU'LL FALL IN LOVE. As many fellow business owners can attest, you will fall in love with your company! It is no lie that I have fallen in love with Mint to Be Weddings. It is essentially like a baby/child; I created it, gave my heart and soul to it and in a way, it is an extension of myself. I am proud of Mint to Be but no one warned me that just like with a child - nothing is enough! I am so very grateful and feel blessed that my company has grown the way it has. If you would have asked me when I started the business, "Caroline, when do you think you'll be full time with Mint to Be Weddings?" I would have said 5 years. Well after two years and many blessings, that dream came true. With that being said, as your business grows, so do your expectations of yourself and the company. You want more for the company; buy more, book more, work more, promote more, network more, etc. Your dreams grow bigger for it and it becomes your life.
YOU MAKE YOUR OWN SCHEDULE. One factor to being a business owner that I love is that I get to make my own schedule. I don't have to worry about traffic and clocking in on time or putting PTO in for vacation or being sick, I can work from home and I have a flexible schedule that allows me to meet with clients and network more. I never have to be "on the clock" from 9am-5pm ... however, I'm never "off the clock." Like I mentioned before, this is my baby and my life! I typically wake up around 7:30am and hit the ground running each morning. Responding to e-mails, following up on leads, reviewing client binders, blogging, responding to more emails, jumping on phone consultations, posting on social media, going over finances, networking with vendors, meeting with clients, responding to more emails, updating itineraries, updating promotional accounts, creating layouts, responding to more emails... and then all of the sudden it is 7:00pm. When I worked at a corporate job, once 5:00pm struck I was out the door and left all my worries at work until the next day. Well, my work is home and my life now. I have friends who always say, "Man, you are so lucky - you don't have to wake up early tomorrow." While that is true that I don't always HAVE to wake up early, I still do wake up early to start working. Many times, I don't meet with clients until 6:00pm or 7:00pm because they have full time jobs, which I love having that availability to offer them, though my nights often don't end until 9:00pm and obviously I work majority of weekends for weddings. When I worked in corporate, I didn't have my email on my phone and no one had my personal cell phone number - I literally had no idea if someone reached out or contacted me until the next day or after the weekend. Now, I'm at the gym or dinner or on vacation and I see it all; emails, calls, voicemails, Instagram likes & comments, Facebook likes and comments, etc.! Personally for me, it is really hard to see an email come in or voicemail pop up and NOT at least check it, let alone - respond. The business tends to monopolize your time and you find yourself always working. Small business owners really have to make an effort to be "off the clock" and literally have to unplug.
YOU'RE YOUR OWN BOSS. I have had some pretty wonderful bosses in the past, however - I LOVE being my own boss. I still have to meet deadlines, complete my tasks and work hard to achieve my goals but I don't have the lingering feeling and as much pressure that I mentally put on myself with a boss. If I am being honest though, sometimes I miss having a boss. Someone to check in with me and ensure I am on track, someone to motivate me to do those tasks I hate and push off (like finances) and someone to sit down and do a review with me. I have always been the type of person who wants to exceed expectation and be the best I can at everything I attempt. I liked meeting with my bosses to see where they felt I could improve and I feel the same way for my business. Clients sometimes leave reviews, however they are typically very general and only positive. I know I am not the perfect person or own the perfect business and would love to have someone to show me where I could improve in all aspects.
YOU HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO MAKE MORE MONEY. I do agree that in many (not all) instances, you have the potential to make more money as a small business owner than working for a corporation. There isn't someone taking a little "off the top" from your hard work and time which drives you to work harder. You are as successful as YOU make it. You don't have to worry about other executives or departments doing something that upsets a client and/or looses business or makes you look bad. HOWEVER, there are a lot of financials factors that come along with being a business owner. First, you have to pay for your own health insurance - which we all know is expensive. Second, you have to pay for your own office and business supplies - that stuff adds up! Third, you have the POTENTIAL to make more money.... that doesn't mean you WILL, haha. You really have to put your all into it and you are sometimes going in blind and depending somewhat on the market/trends. And lastly, you have to BUDGET, BUDGET, BUDGET your income because there is not a guaranteed paycheck of a set amount coming in each month but you know what is still coming in each month??? Bills! I never realized how expensive it is to own your own company until I had mine for over a year.
YOU ARE YOUR BUSINESS'S IMAGE. Part of the reason I chose the name "Mint to Be Weddings" is because I knew I could brand easily with that specific color. If anyone has ever met or worked with me/the team, you know we ALWAYS wear something mint green. Whether it is a full out dress, mint top with jeans or just mint accents like jewelry - it is fun and easy for vendors, clients and guest to find us. Half the time people refer to Brittany and I as the "mint girls." We love it! :) I love having a job where I can dress how I want that expresses my personality; I can wear jeans, my mint green converses, my tattoo's can show, etc. However, sometimes I don't feel like wearing mint, sometimes I don't feel like having my hair and makeup done up, sometimes I've had a bad day and don't feel like smiling and talking. Well too bad! I not only represent my company, but also the vendors who recommend me, the clients who book me and the individuals who are a part of my company. You are always being observed and are always being associated with your company.
There are many other factors to owning your own business which are bitter-sweet that any entrepreneur could speak of but in the end I LOVE being a small business owner. The "sweet" always out-weighs the "bitter." It is one of the most rewarding things that I have experienced so far in my life and as stated before, one of the best decisions that I have made so far in my life. I constantly am highly recommending friends, family and strangers to become entrepreneurs if they have a passion for something and it is even a thought in their head. It is certainly a growing and learning experience and as the business grows, so do I.
What a beautiful and well thought out blog. MTB is a hard working little engine that will take you big places.